"Hi, we are Eleonora and Emanuele, two italian cultists very fond of HPL and the Unspeakable Vault (of Doom).
We sent you three guest arts: the first is a strip inspired by the italian publisher "Fanucci", who owns the rights of many, many good books (and, for some years, was the only publisher of HPL's works in Italy) and rarely publishes them (for example: they own the rights of the Amber Diceless roleplaying system, based on the books by R. Zelazny, and are not even planning to publish the corebook). Emanuele had the idea and Eleonora made it real.
The second one is based on the fact that we are two Scientists and love to joke about engineer: Eleonora drew this one to celebrate Emanuele's math degree.
The third one is part of a gift from Eleonora to Emanuele: it's a dice bag with a classical Cthulhoo strip realized with cross stitch.
We hope you'll enjoy.
Unspeakable greetings"
Eleonora and Emanuele
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