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...And here comes the Wishes from the Vault, with a shameless retake on my "familial" card, for a Tsunami of fun, tentacles and graphic creations (without ANY AI involved). Again, thanks to the small but faithful community of Cultists following this never-ending adventure. This year, The UVoD wil be 20 years old, as mentionned before. so expect some activities (or not, who knows). There are a lot of projects of the shelves (a good re-edition of the full comics, a more serious "Goomicronicon" to fund/publish, creation of more goodies) or may be something totally new, we'll see!

Special thanks to Bobby D., who still correct my engrish, the Miskatonic Association, who let me re-dive in the french HPL fandom, and all creators still inspired by cosmic Horror in this world full of more material horrors. (and of course mr.Hokusai, still "hot" after 200 years)



Characters in this strip:
Cthulhoo, Nyarly, Dagoon
©2003-2021 F.Launet/Goomi Studio