Lovecraft's works and his influence on literature and popular culture are greater than the writer's problematic attitudes on race, sex, gender, and antisemitism. Knowing a writer's flaws is essential to fully understand his works, founded as they are on the fear of others, and the nostalgia of some glorious past. Praise for Lovecraft's works is not acceptatnce of Lovecraft's prejudices. There is more to be discussed about Lovecraft's prejudices and his work. I try to joke about everything (not always successively), including how our contemporary culture playes into the ongoing interpretation of the Mythos.
Thanks to Bobby D. for his help, check his blog to read more about those kind of HPL-related problematics , among other cool stuff.
I've also received a few comments about the lack of UVoD updates. I have been producing less strips, for many reasons already discussed. Sorry about that, I don't have enough time and energy to keep a set schedule, although I'm trying to do monthly updates.
For French listeners, the radio broadcast show "Blockbuster" (on France Inter) made an episode about Lovecraft recently. Nothing new but still interesting to see how he is introduced to complete newbies.
And the TShirt shop has a new adress: https://unspeakable-vault.myspreadshop.com/ or for France: https://unspeakable-vault.myspreadshop.fr/

Characters in this strip:
Cthulhoo, Nyarly
©2003-2021 F.Launet/Goomi Studio