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I've been through a lot of personnal problems and couldn't produce any strip these last weeks. But The current actuality gave me the impulse to finish this one... let's hope we'll get some interesting hints about Pluto's surface soon...



An other (unrelated thing); As you may (or not) know, I've been working for the upcoming Minions movie for nearly 2 years. Hate me if you want for being part of this, but this film was a very tough piece to build - As Sets Modeling supervisor, I've been building with my team more than 400 differents sets and nearly 3.000 props... (A large part of them are not featured in the movie, thanks to multiple re-writing of the script). Anyway, an audio easter-egg for the Vault Cultists can be heard somewhere in the film...


Characters in this strip:
Scientists, Migoos
©2003-2021 F.Launet/Goomi Studio