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I'm not much a mobile person... I haven't got my first phone before 2008, and  bought a smartphone just 3 years ago. Yeah, old style... It's not I'm against technology, but I spend some many times in front of machines, and wanted to avoid the "mobile obnubilation"... but I've been defeated: I've opened 2 social network accounts for the UVoD, on Twitter and Instangram. News about the UVoD will be posted there, this may drag a few more following cultists.

Here are the links:



I'll see what I can do exactly with those new channels - this might be a bit chaotic at first...
site still exists but it has some confusing content, and will be reworked soon.


Characters in this strip:
Cthulhoo, Nyarly, Yogzotot
©2003-2021 F.Launet/Goomi Studio